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Wireless Sensor

bx_time 3 min

A wireless sensor is a device used to measure certain parameters or control their changes, for which cables or wires are not used. Such a sensor is battery operated or connected to the power cable of the equipment followed by it. The sensor transfers all collected information to the cloud storage using an Internet or Bluetooth connection.

What Are Wireless Sensors Used for?

Such sensors can be used to measure the following parameters on equipment:

  • the amount of electricity consumed;
  • temperature;
  • pressure;
  • vibration levels;
  • weight, etc.

Uninterrupted control of all this data allows you to record the time of effective work and the number of rejects, keep records of products and equipment downtime classification, receive notifications of violations on equipment, build an effective planned preventive maintenance schedule, identify and correct weaknesses in production processes, etc.

At any time, the employee responsible for monitoring can find out how efficiently the equipment is working and receive notifications if abnormal situations arise. For example, are critical equipment turned on, are there network congestions, or are production lines functioning properly.

Wireless Sensors as Part of Industry 4.0 Technology

The ability to constantly monitor the condition of the equipment turns ordinary production into a smart one, in accordance with the basics of Industry 4.0. By combining the installation of sensors with artificial intelligence technologies, business owners can fully automate production processes, control product quality at all stages, achieve the most rational use of raw materials and prevent equipment failures in advance. The very installation of wireless sensors can be the beginning of the transition to effective enterprise asset management.

What Are the Advantages of Wireless Sensors?

Wireless sensors, unlike devices that have their own power cable, are used in enterprises due to the following advantages:

  1. The device is installed without breaking the insulation of the equipment power cable.
  2. Ease of placement without dependence on additional sources of electricity.
  3. No need to service the sensor batteries.
  4. Equipment condition monitoring data is not stored on the sensor, but is constantly transmitted via the Internet to the cloud storage, which prevents the loss of the received information.
  5. The collected data can be accessed from any device, including tablets and smartphones connected to the Internet and having access to the user’s personal account.

Sensors are not tied to specific equipment, so over time they can be reconnected to other devices, subject to compliance with technical requirements.